Rasydan Rahim's BlogCenter

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I'm in LOVE!

Four month ago, a girl i loved lied to me, she cheated me. But now its all 'OK'. Funny.. the three years i've spent growing up with her, the unforgetable moments we had.. Believe me when i say, the scar will never go away.
Before, it was all anger. Revenge. Hate. Astaghfirullah..
But now, its fear. Fear of losing. Fear of history repeating itself. Trauma..
Fuck! I don't want to loose this one like i lost the one before.
Yes, I'm in love.. I'm in love with the craziest, cutest, nicest, sexiest girl i know.. and she's damn 'hot' in a business suit! I love her, and she loves me. What can i say, it comes without warning, i can't explain it..
We could talk for hours, we could sit and stare at each other even longer.. She's fun, she's intelligent, loves reading, and she doesn't complains, about anything! She simply handle the problem heads on, through the wises possible way. A woman who doesn't complain (berleter), its a mans dream come true!
I'll hang on to this one as long as possible, i truly believes that god has destined someone for me. Hope that Mardiah Binti Bolkhan is her.. the one i'm going to share the rest of my life with.. Deng..

Friday, August 12, 2005

'Battle it out!' @UCTI


Moderator: Damn proud! Waah-lau-wee....

check out the article: http://www.xfresh.com/v8/articles.asp?id=5654

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The point?

Love is something you can't explain,
it doesn't work like a methametical equestion..
Your can't ask how, you can't ask why..
Love is blind, yes..
Love is true, yes..
Indefinitely, intolerantly, crazy..
Kalau dah sayang.. Begitu.
Kalau dah tak sayang? Begini?
Sebab apa perlu cinta? Sebab apa perlu sayang? The point?
My life is for my own..
The fall, the rise, the happiness, the pain..
Awfully nice if I could share it all with someone..
To ease my fall, to luminate my rise,
To bloom my happiness, to dull my pain..
Where are 'thou?
Lama dah aku meneriak nama kau..
Nyahut laa..