Rasydan Rahim's BlogCenter

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Inner Battle..

There it was. Sitting all alone in the corner, enticing me to get closer. How I hated it for doing this to me. How I wished I do not have to depend on it, to be able to banish it from my life once and forever. And yet, what would I be without it? A lifeless being perhaps. The temptation is there, growing stronger every minute. My heart beats faster, my pulse races and my mouth starts salivating. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, willing myself to erase every bittersweet memories I had with it. I love it, I need it but all the same I hated the way it seduces me. I took a step forward. My mind says no but my heart says yes. My hands stretched out towards it and within seconds, it is in my grip. I held it close to my nose...”Ah, the aroma”.....Minutes later, I walked out of the kitchen, the once seductive karipap reduced to nothing but pulp being digested in my stomach. A happy tummy, another failed diet. =)


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