Rasydan Rahim's BlogCenter

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Secret Language of Men

The numbers say it all: In studies, women speak an average of 20,000 words a day. Men speak an average of 7,000. And we waste a lot of those words on meaningless chitchat with cabbies, talking sports with coworkers, and making small talk with the IT guy in the men's room.

"Cold out there, ay?"

"Sure is."

"Have a good one."

"Later, dude."

While it's clear that women are the talkers of most relationships (only 29 percent of men admit doing more), this doesn't mean men always have their own mute buttons pressed. Even men of few words communicate a great deal; we just speak more code than a CIA operative. Though our common comments can seem superficial, there's plenty of hidden meaning behind what men do talk about. Here, some translations ...

Guy Speak: Stats, Stats and More Stats

At cocktail parties, it may be easy to open with the weather conditions or appetizer quality, but anytime men--strangers or friends--are grouped together, men turn to sports. It's the universal language that men can use until they find other common ground. Besides the fact that we spend so much time watching them, sports also acts as our way to bond with other guys--without having to worry about differences in culture, education, or careers. Sports is a way for naturally aggressive, instinctively protective men to soften each other up--using Ronaldo, Kimi Raikonen, and the game result of the FA Cup final game.

Guy Speak: Movie lines

You talking to me? He's not sure you can handle the truth, so it seems like what we've got here is a failure to communicate. Frankly, my dear, he doesn't give a damn that you don't like that he quotes movies. Why? Because using movie lines means he can convey any emotion at any time without ever having to do it himself. They allow him to be confrontational ("Houston, we have a problem"), angry ("go ahead, make my day"), romantic ("you had me at the ... red lingerie"), and anything in between without having to actually break his steely exterior. Hoo-ah!

Guy Speak: Did you see the booty on that one?

Extensive and scientifically conducted research at a vast array of prestigious foundations and universities has revealed this shocking truth: Men love sex. And men actually love talking about sex, and naked bodies, and clothed bodies that would look great naked, and the top-five celebrities we occasionally fantasize about. But unlike many women--whose coworkers often know more about their sex lives than their husbands do--few men will ever utter a word about the woman they're currently committed to. (One reason is that we know it's hard to earn a woman's trust and we don't want to blow it. The other reason is that once a couple is committed, our buds just really don't want to hear about it. Plus, we're protective of the relationship.) Still, talking about hypothetical sexual situations or the lovely woman who just passed in front of us serves as a good way (albeit not the best) to release some testosterone.

Guy Speak: Trash-talking

Oh, give us the chance, and we'll jab and hook and right-cross our friends with jokes about their weight, their hair, their idiocy in relationships, their mother, their golf swing, anything really. While trash-talking and insult-flinging certainly comes from our competitive genetics, there's another reason why we're always slinging mental mud, especially to our closest friends. In lots of ways, humor sits high on a man's pedestal (it's one of the reasons why we're addicted to SportsCenter and Animal House), and the better we use it, the higher we feel we rank in our bud's coolness meter. As one expert told Men's Health, "Making your friends laugh is a way of being in control, and it distracts from being made fun of yourself."


  • HAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!.... FINALLY, THIS BLOGGER IS STILL ALIVE!!! It's been a while since I saw this blog updated. Well, at least there's something new...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:21 PM  

  • Une fois qu'on atteint ce nombre 144000 (Apocalypse14: 1) le saint secret de dieu arrivera à terme,cet ancien système du monde dirigé par Satan et ses hommes disparaîtra,le royaume au ciel de Jéhovah dirigera aussi notre terre,le paradis s'installera sur la terre,les justes posséderont la terre et sur elle ils résideront pour tjrs (Psaumes37: 29, Matthieu5: 5, Proverbes2: 21, Isaîe11: 9, Ecclésiaste1: 4, Isaîe45: 18 )...Le royaume céleste de Jéhovah dirigé par Jésus Christ est le seul espoir pour la terre entière,face à ce système diabolique planétaire défaillant en toute sorte.Très bientôt,il dirigera notre terre. Il y aura 144000 rois(reines)choisis par dieu parmi les êtres humains règnent avec J.C. au ciel après ses morts, ils(elles) dirigeront la terre, Jésus Christ est le roi de ces rois...Comme la fin de ce monde dirigé par Satan€$£ et ses militaires6 ainsi que ses peuples5 tombe bien à notre ère, donc,il faut oser à dire par tout le moyen à tous les humains que:ce qui ne font pas la volonté de dieu Jah et ce qui ne croit pas au sacrifice de Jésus C. pour nous délivrer mourront à HarMaguédon (Apocalypse16: 16)...Pourquoi l'indépendance à Jah n'est pas bonne? Parce que lors de la rébellion d'Adam, Eve et Satan contre Jéhovah notre dieu créateur,ils ont choisi de ne pas dépendre de dieu,alors que: dieu Jah les laisse se diriger entre eux sans intervenir pour prouver s'il est vraiment bon ou mauvais de ne pas dépendre de lui "ou" de ne pas suivre sa parole (ses conseils). Les conséquences de cette désobéissance (indépendance) est donc: la mort,la maladie,la haine,la tuerie6,l'égoisme de certains dirigeants,l'hypocrisie de la religion...Les conséquences de cette épreuve d'indépendance (qui a eu lieu sur notre terre) est très importante à démontrer à l égard des anges du ciel et des êtres humains aussi voila pourquoi dieu Jah n a pas tué Satan,Adam et Eve sur le champs. Cette fois,la façon dont Jéhovah dirige ses créatures était remise en cause une fois pour toute, dieu Jah est notre créateur donc c'est lui seul connaît ce qui nous fera du bien ou du mal surtt pas Satan,il occupe aussi la bonne place pour nous conseiller(diriger)Voici mes adresses mail pour contact anonyme: carnage6.net@hotmail.fr, carnage6.net@hotmail.com, jesuschrist-est-notre-sauveur@example.com, cyclique-infini6.monde@hotmail.com

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 PM  

  • You write very well.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:35 PM  

  • Good dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:26 AM  

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